We're not saying it's going to be easy... We're saying it's going to be worth it!
Moving on? We'd appreciate your feedback.
Studies have shown that entering music lessons with a "we'll just try it out" mindset means you will be 400% less successful in music lessons! Remember that this is a life-long skill that takes a lifetime of practice. Commit to being a musician.
Reward yourself (or your kid) for pushing through to the next recital or benchmark. Invite family & friends, make it a big celebration & take a lot of photos. The sense of accomplishment is worth it!
We can get caught up in what we think we "should" be doing or where we think we "should" be. Think about your practice expectations & talk with your teacher to re-align. Maybe try a different style of learning or playing.
Join one of our classes, or grab a buddy or a family member for a more social experience. Group learning can be very motivational with less pressure & lots of fun! All ages & skill levels can be turned into group classes - even full family jam sessions!
All of our teachers are experienced performers who are excited to help you reach your goals, & they are all very different! We are not offended if you'd like to switch to a different MME teacher (either temporarily or permanently).
Switch to a new instrument or voice lessons instead of taking a break (temporarily or permanently). All musical instruction supports overall musicality & skill. "Play for fun, learn for life!"*
What are the challenges? How are you feeling? Chat with Director Jan or your teacher anytime if learning to make music is your goal.
We hear you. It is totally normal to go through swings of enjoyment/motivation when learning music. We've all been there (yes, even our professionals have quit or tried to quit music lessons while learning!) & we can help you over the humps. Sometimes, we just need to recalibrate & revamp to something fresh.
Learning music is often a practice of delayed gratification (which is actually one of the life skills it can teach you). It doesn't happen quickly; it doesn't happen easily. But, the great thing about working through a music school is that we have a lot of options to renew your interest so you can "take a break" without actually quitting.
Please take some time to consider your priorities & determine if music-making is a long-term goal of yours. We believe in "play for fun, learn for life," but that takes time & commitment. If you're having a hard time making it down to MME, consider online lessons from the comfort of your own home at a convenient time.
Breaks are fine! But, be warned that it's really easy to make your breaks longer than you initially intend when you get out of your routine. Before you go, it's helpful to have a return date already reserved & on the calendar so you have something to look forward to & we can get in touch when it's time. While you're on a break, play with your instrument! Try some fun stuff & experiment. Explore. OR, take a break from one instrument to try music in a different way - join a group, try another instrument, etc.
Practicing at home can be frustrating. Maybe it doesn't click right away. Maybe your teacher is pushing you on a difficult piece or concept & it feels overwhelming. (You can do hard things! The reward is so worth it.) This could be an exciting time for you to "level up," in which case we say "Congratulations! You've been doing awesome!" It's time to talk openly with your teacher about how you're feeling so we can minimize your frustration while still helping you grow.
Quality music lessons are a financial commitment. If paying for music lessons strains your family, please talk with Jan about your options. We are committed to supporting enthusiastic students regardless of ability to pay.
And, please make sure you're taking advantage of all we have to offer: